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- is a way of building modular and simple can assume any kind of labor, boosting employment to regional labor without specialists or imported technologies.
- Suitable for extreme weather because of its good thermal insulation and a significant savings in the HVAC housing.
- more space and volume of work, greater comfort, better sound insulation.
- versatile and adaptable to any shape and novel and varied designs, which would be impossible with other systems.
- economic savings, by consuming small amounts of cement and steel, incurred while in savings by the reduction in freight rates.
- can be produced throughout the year, without affecting the rainy season, avoiding speculation and fluctuations in the market cost.
- At the end of the book building system is at least 25% to 30% cheaper than traditional construction systems, allowing to extend the scope of housing projects to abate deficits in both rural and urban.
- The ADB-CONCRETE unlike traditional adobe, supports all types of coating such as paint, plaster, covered in plaster, cement, mortar, tile bonding.
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