"Nudo de Sangre" is primarily a novel of adventures. Adorned with a real manual quipus, the Inca knots that became a symbol of identity and that historians are beginning to interpret as a form of language, an alternative to writing, given its complexity.
Sanchez Vidal makes a quipu the protagonist of his novel, winner of the Spring Espasa, and he leads in search for the legendary treasure of the Incas. The legend says that after thirty years of resisting the attacks English Vilcabamba, the lost city, the Incas were defeated fall without revealing to anyone for saving his unimaginable wealth. The gold of Peru that the Spaniards sought tirelessly, though why they had to destroy an ancient way of life.
A horse of legend and history, The author develops a story of love between a Spaniard and a mestizo in the middle eighteenth century. The Sebastian family crest with a mysterious knot, always made him suspect there was something mysterious among his ancestors, but until it embarks on the adventure story "Nudo de Sangre" do not know how point. It is a novel, entertaining, easy reading although some points abuses technical words in the world in terms of navigation or Inca symbolism. Highlight the resources used to capture the reader, are not much different from "The Lost World" of Matilde Asensi, or the famous "Da Vinci Code" by Dan Brown: intrigue in abundance, mixing history and fantasy and pair keeping the sexual tension page by page. I have some pages left over excessive persecution between the good and bad.
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