"One of the determining factors for any process, be it logistics or production is carried out successfully, implement an adequate system of indicators to measure their management , so that indicators can be implemented in strategic positions that reflect an optimal outcome in the medium and long term, through a good information system to measure the different stages of the logistics process. "
So begins an article that uses a partner in his blog, which aims to reflect on the impact of the issue "costs" in all areas in general, and logistics in particular. My goal for this entry focuses on the importance each one of those who partake of these opportunities for exchange of ideas and knowledge given to the subject, and the incidence in terms of information available. The idea came from a blog post on the blog "Quelogistik" created by Adrian Maidment, called "transportation cost index in August 2010" http://quelogistik.blogspot.com/2010/09/indice -of-cost-of-trans-agosto.html # comments . In that entry Adrian informs the indices developed by the Argentina Federation of Businesswomen Entities Trucking (FADEEAC), yielding a 0.46% increase in transportation costs for the month under review.
reading the note I thought the cost issue is one that we always keep in mind. A glance at many of the posts of the group and any observer will notice that the item is performed on many entries, directly or indirectly. Not only that, but since the classes are a lot of emphasis on cost, how it is calculated, how to assess and measure them constantly. Just name or multimodal transportation issues such as reverse logistics for those who participated remember the amount of work for the calculation of costs and the assembly of models costing as part of these subjects.
In another space, the blog simply Logistics, Pablo Ramírez, was published the note referred to the introductory paragraph on indicators logistics, a very interesting article which presents the indicators and their formulas for calculating, really worth a look: http://simplementelogistica.blogspot.com/2010/09/indicadores-logisticos.html
Thinking a little deeper into the issue and how is something "recurring", to call it one way, came to my mind a proposal emerged at a meeting of members of Intralog, not long ago to take a course Linear programming, aimed at the student to develop analytical and practical skills to model calculation using the PL
Finally, title and information, if you search for "logistics costs" in google, the search engine yields 304,000 results (0.54 seconds).
is clear that the costs are capitalized and a theme in our field are taken into account, as are likely in all areas. It is also clear that an administration that ignores the costs, even "good" that is, most likely ending in a memory of a good intention or a good project. Today it is impossible not to think about costs when doing business, working in an existing business or organization, or planning new projects in the future.
is why to follow this line we are going through, I'll use an article published by Dr. Ing Pedro Dimas Ayala Becquer, "Development of a Logistics System Costs" http://www.bibliociencias.cu/gsdl/collect/eventos/index / assoc/HASH80c8.dir/doc.pdf , which not only has the incidence of costs in logistics management, but also the impact on logistics management system, which is closely related to the core New Technologies area.
In order to evaluate the actions that influence the cost is Logistics essential to analyze certain aspects of interest in which stand out:
- Basic Principles of Logistics Costs
- Logistics Cost Category
- Relevance ranges.
- Direct Return.
Basic Principles of Logistics Costs
The development of appropriate or adequate cost of a Logistics System part of the approach or provide guidance to them. That is, the ability to focus toward the exit of the distribution system, essentially to direct efforts towards the provision of customer service and identify unique costs associated with that output, traditional accounting methods, no approach directed to these purposes, especially because they were designed in response to other needs.
One of the basic principles logistics costs is that the system should reflect the material flow ie should be able to identify the costs that result from providing customer service on the market.
A second principle is that the system must be capable of allowing separate analyzes costs and revenues by customer type and by market segment or distribution channel. The latter need arises because of the use of averages or mean values, resulting in substantial variations around the mean.
To apply these principles requires a new conception of the costs, ie that we first must define the Logistics System and then identify the associated costs.
currently used a very useful concept and is called as a mission. In a logistic approach, a Mission can be defined as a set of actions or goals designed to ensure adequate customer service, missions may be defined in terms of type of market served, why that product and within limitations service and cost. A mission comprising, on the horizon and passes the lines of a company
A Logistics System Cost-effective should seek to determine the total cost of the system to achieve the desired logistics objectives (outputs of the system) and the cost of various inputs involved in achieving these outputs this approach to the problem is known as Cost of the Mission. Currently there is a strong interest with a focus on this problem, known as "Cost of the Mission."
categories of logistics costs.
Logistics Costs grouped all costs attached to the business functions that control and manage material flows and information flows associated. It must state that the development costs is one of the most critical activities in the design and operation of logistics systems and also presents the greatest difficulty, in part by the lack of definition or understanding of the structure of costs that affect the behavior of a system.
The categories on which logistics costs and apply the concepts on which they are used in correspondence with the sequence of flow remain the same:
- Operating Costs The . which are related to the logistical facilities such as warehouses, distribution centers, market hubs, etc. and can be of two types
- The Costs Discontinued , which are those that vary in stages depending on the volume of circulation.
- The Continuing Costs , ranging linear or non-linearly with the volume of traffic
Discontinued The Costs are based on circulation and have constant values \u200b\u200bfor certain specific ranges of movement. See Figure No 1
circulation of 0 for at 1 the value of the cost will be C or between t 1 and t 2 The cost incurred is C 1 and so on the cost incurred when circulation is zero (C or ) is a fixed cost. Discontinuous costs can be caused by several factors including:
Annual depreciation.
management costs.
Figure No. 1 Representation Costs Discontinued
The Continuing Costs are a function of circulation and are generally not linear but in each instance may be represented as a linear cost. These costs include, the following see Figure No. 2
Effect of learning curve.
Economy of scale
Figure No. 2 Continuous Representation Costs
operational costs can be classified depending on their logistics function, in:
- Supply, represented by the cost of orders.
- storage, represented by the costs of space, facilities, handling and stock ownership.
- associated information represented by the costs of logistics management.
The Costs of Transportation .
The movement of goods from origin to their destinations is in most cases the largest component of total logistics costs.
On different composition and structure, Two different types of transport and thus also costs
"A Long Distances» . Generally is the transport of goods between producers and distributors warehouses
'Distribution'. Known as the transport of goods between producers and distributors to store their POS networks and end users,
Long Distance Transport In the transport distances lengthen , regardless of the chosen mode (truck, plane, train, etc.) costs are directly linked to weight, volume and distance to travel to the destination, so that each mode has an associated coefficient. Within each mode, the size of the load determines that rate, creating a sliding scale.
For long-distance transport by road, in most cases, this transport is contracted to companies that were born and raised under a large manufacturer that has secured a large volume, allowing cover the high initial fixed costs, then these companies have been recruiting other manufacturers of similar products and make deliveries to nearby points, thus creating a "principle.
Transportation Distribution . Due to the specialization required by this type transport, since the driver must know the products transported, routes, invoices, delivery notes, the quality of some products, replacement and return of goods, etc. The usual distribution transport to be made with personal and / or media company.
In this case, the cost of transport is composed of personnel costs and operational driver of the truck used to, being of lower tonnage (4 to 6 t) the investment required is smaller , but its operating characteristics, maintenance costs are higher.
General: transportation costs are related to the origins and destinations, the goods, the mode of transport used and the weight or volume of goods transported and have the character to behave discontinuously at a given stage .
I say goodbye with the hope that this contribution add to what has been shared by other peers that promote public awareness of issues that are useful for the activity and day to day than integrate it. Until next time!