This morning I met a notice in the newspaper La Nacion on a bill to make a national highway network, which is boxed for ten years and is soon to expire, or, to use appropriate vocabulary, lost parliamentary status.
I was interested to bring to this space, not only by the implication that it would adopt a project of this magnitude for the country, but the direct impact would have on the logistics, time in road transport, from the reduction of time and accident rate, and therefore costs, to increased productivity and scope or reach out to places currently difficult to access due to lack of suitable roads.
The article also refers to the German motorway network, called Deutsche Autobahn, and I had the pleasure of meeting and tour. A wonderful and enriching experience, where you can appreciate the importance of constant communication every sector of the network and the measures used in cases of traffic jams or accidents. Left a very interesting link, English was the best I could get, before German think it's more feasible to understand more, but it is very interesting because there are a lot of history, numerous photos and all explanatory signaling is used.
federal highway network
The map of Argentina's economic folly
A bill in 10 years to build 13,500 kilometers of highways and freeways smart "and without the State put a dime" sleeps for 12 years in Congress and never saw the campus. How is the savings plan that would allow freight, transit times and avoid accidents.
In 1998, first presented to the Executive. He turned to Congress. There were eight initiatives. Of radical Peronist socialist provincial parties ...
But the idea of \u200b\u200bconnecting the whole country with intelligent highways, freeways and built without a single dollar of the most revolutionary state of infrastructure perhaps from the former railway lines, never came to a debate on campus. Three bureaucratic committees, Transportation, Budget and Finance and Public Works-what has drawers.
the end of 2011 lost parliamentary status of the draft Law No. 5815/08 Establishing the construction of a Federal Highway Network in Argentina. Again, no public funds.
"If I ever debated in Congress, was adopted unanimously," he says, convinced the author of the idea, the economist William Laura. Who could object to unite all the capitals of the country but necessary pharaonic building a network of 13,500 kilometers of highways in 10 years at a rate of 1300 miles per year?
Who happens to eclipse the development works that would generate U.S. $ 27,000 million, which employ 100,000 people for 10 years, to connect 1150 Argentine cities (82% of the population)?
Who would hesitate a second to take a plan that is equivalent to the laying of the U.S. interstate highway or the German motorway network, the most modern in the world, financed by ridiculously three cents (yes, $ 0.03) per liter Fuel payable only actually built in 1000 miles, and would allow a saving of 30% of transit time?
Who are opposed to a savings of 20% of freight (in agriculture would be only $ 500 million per year), the induced economic externalities generated by highways, on the movement tourism and the establishment of industries?
Who in their right mind would do anything to lower the accident and prevent 7 out of 8 killed in head-on collisions on the roads in Argentina? What
saver hesitate to invest in an alternative that a 6% real interest rate, adjusted for inflation, with guarantees from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)? What non-tendered construction company for a concession of 30 years almost automatically guarantees that ensure short-term bridge loans?
progressive Would not it also generate a financial instrument to channel Argentina savings capacity, which in the past three years, fled the country at a rate of $ 52,000 million (almost two motorway networks paid in cash)?
a scam Not to know that only built 26 miles average per year in recent times, when every driver pays two dollars ($ 2) per liter of gasoline and a twenty ($ 1.20) in diesel oil to generate funds for building infrastructure?
Is not it foolish and unsustainable who has not played even once the floor of Congress in 12 years, a project that also suggests that the user pays, but only three cents per liter once they are built at least 1000 miles?
Nobody can object to a logical argument.
The only explanation "cajoneo" legislative and "misunderstanding" executive is no "political case" in the structuring of the civil and financial engineering. There is no place for the mediation of officials. Guillermo
Laura is responsible for the Project for Modernization of Land Transport Infrastructure (Promitt), as president of the Foundation Goals Century, which inspired the bill and the eight parliamentary initiatives.
Laura Plan christened with his name, for over 10 years. Participated as a member-dealer or as an officer-in structuring five expressways planned and completed in time: May 25, the Perito Moreno, July 9 South, the del Buen Ayre, and American.
Laura continues, for more than 12 years, promoting the idea that Eisenhower developed more than 50 in United States, with the interstate.
12 years ago sums up the social cost of the RFA, to the user (use less fuel, safer travel and constant speed), for savers (to buy infrastructure bonds have an income of 6% indexed and allowances, guaranteed by the IDB), for companies (which could be used as bitrenes super trucks, 150 tons capacity, are built in the country and are exported because they are forbidden), for the State (which does not affect games budget for the project) to the provincial integration, the competitiveness of the country, now in the position 72 of the world in terms of transport infrastructure.
"Our serious flaw," says Laura, is that this bill has no housing policy. The current system relies on the use tax that comes from the fuel, about $ 4000 million per year, which goes to the the state. " And the state (Officials) may be tempted. And the corruption of the "returns" on payment of certified contractors can be endemic.
"This management model is based on" continued private investment and that the state does not intervene in the recovery. We are paying the motorway network: five highways with proceeds from the gasoline, diesel and three . And all for travel on routes where the death toll is paid to cut the grass and clogging some bumps. We are victims of a massive fraud. "
- How much tax is levied on today?
-Son U.S. $ 4000 million per year. At an average cost of two million per km of motorway, we are paying 2000 miles a year, but in 10 years could not be completed Rosario-Córdoba Highway, of 404 kilometers. It was less than 2% of what could have been.
- How to reach 6% rate offered to savers to buy infrastructure bonds would fund this work?
"It's a real concern because it is 6% plus inflation. It is an excellent rate at international level, Brazil has stipulated that at least for pension funds. This project was very well tolerated: in three centavos per liter for every 1000 kilometers included the financial cost maintenance, the recovery of the capital, the operating cost. No additional pay. They are also tax-free earnings and can be downloaded.
- How do you share that $ 0.03 per liter?
-After building the 1000 km (is so in the bill), 85% goes to the bondholders, and 15% is earmarked for the concessionaire to maintain their award, which is 30. La Caja de Valores is the trustee to administer, brokers and investment banks put a "luxury" indexed, tax-exempt IDB with a guarantee, and with the proceeds of the fuel rate divided among the bondholders and the account of the dealers.
- What about political risk and speculation?
"It's a very safe bond, guaranteed triple A BID. A sovereign bond is exempt from tax but pays 2% and is not an endorsement of the BID. In this case, the "debtors" are 9 million motorists that when completed the network will be 18 million. And there are five "collectors" (the oil), working for free because they charge and deposited into the account of the AFIP, every five days, the rate on fuel.
- Is there enough savings to tackle this project?
There's a lot -saving capacity in Argentina that has no good alternatives which channeled. It invests in low-yielding things social, seeking only to preserve the value.
- How does the guarantee of the IDB?
-The Bank gives a guarantee to anyone who asks. The recovery is quite sure that is what the Bank looks to put the guarantee: there are 9 million borrowers to pay only pennies silver goes straight to the dealers. It is a safer investment than the traditional toll, if there is no flow, no charge. Here the flow of funds generated from the national fuel consumption, which is around the 21,000 million liters.
- Is that what you eat all transportation?
"No, just cars and motorcycles. We do not transport oil it consumes, it will not pay the fee because it will offset what you pay today. And this is very important for agriculture, trucks and buses.
Laura looks up for a second look, again, the map of Argentina crossed up and down smart highways, and says: "If I hear a valid argument to conclude that we should not do it, I I give up. This is a big project that requires conviction. "
And while delivering papers this reporter (the draft law, an executive summary, another abstract in question and answer format, a 74-page magazine that accompanied the free edition of The Nation of 19 October 2007, capturing all the benefits of the project), smile to see a copy: a decision of the Interprovincial Council of Ministers of Public Works, which supports the project and directs a "firm deadline" steps to achieve a federal settlement.
is dated in Puerto Deseado, on April 3, 1998. And is signed by the Chairman of the Board, the then Minister of Economy, Public Works and Services of Santa Cruz, the architect Julio Miguel De Vido.
Emiliano Galli
Greetings to everyone!
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