Every day we hear more often the term "flexible", also known as "Flexitime," which refers to the possibility, just, flexible working. This relaxation may take different forms, in fact researching for this post I found several variants, each pointing always flexible as an engine to increase employee productivity.
Following a little line from the theme "generational change, Generation Y, and all changes related to the advancement of technology and its impact on most areas of everyday life, then I explain my personal experience, to added an article which discusses the issue of flexible working. Additionally, a video I found interesting, not only because it explains the rationale behind this form of work, but also because it is just a software company that provides management human resources, designed to implement flexitime particularly, is a program for ERM (Employee Resource Management) or Employee Resource Management, a subject treated during the last meeting of the New Technologies area, and it seemed appropriate to bring to this space. Unfortunately the video is in English, for those who may not understand I apologize.
My experience
recently joined more than two months in an American-owned company to develop a task related to languages \u200b\u200band translation. This company offers employees the opportunity to work Flexitime under a scheme, ie an employee as I can make your entry in the range from 07.00 hours until 11.00 hours, and consequently out nine hours later, ie between 16.00 and 20.00 pm. Particularly in my case this was an excessively interesting, in fact, almost one of the factors that weighed when making the decision to change jobs. And is that for the average inhabitant of southern region, has to deal with the tedious daily grind of traveling to Buenos Aires to work (something that had to avoid for years, since I started trabajr), the possibility of doing non-peak hours is wonderful. And income is currently at 07.30 and go at 16.30, which implies that out 6.30 in my home to be Microcentro sufficient time to make the journey from the Obelisk to the workplace walking, about 8 or 9 blocks for me translates into being because no single path but also clearing my mind before 9 am that I have in front of an office. Enjoy much around the same time, an hour, which gives me enough room to do anything you need before going to college, or just ... relax!
This system of working hours are spent in the company since last year, and was applied when the flu He initially was booming, to offer employees the possibility that travel in off-peak times to avoid large gatherings of people on public transport. However, they found that productivity increased during this period, significant enough reason to decide to leave permanently.
A good combination of cost savings for the company, employee benefit, which can have more time as it sees fit.
worth noting that this is possible because the work does not imply or demand any fixed hours, something like a shop or a customer service position. The implications of this type may have on the logistics are not, in my opinion, many by now, considering that usually lives logistics "attached" to their obligations, constant communication, provided "there ".... maybe subject for another entry.
then extracts published an interesting article about the subject, based on a study by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), and I also leave to the applicant, a link to a file I found called "Flexible Work, Flexible Employment "Faust Miguelez and I was of interest.
Flexible working is the priority for 47% of employees
PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) released its recent study "Managing Tomorrow's People: Where will you be in 2020?" (Managing tomorrow's people: Where will you in 2020?) where 5746 interviews were conducted with professionals from around the world (including 1167 of the United Kingdom) to find out their current priorities and what they expect of the future in regards to work.
The investigation revealed that the economic crisis has changed the priorities and objectives of employees and, at present, the most important for 47% (41% of men and 54% of women) of them is the work flexible remuneration above economic cut, for example, performance bonuses, which ranked second on the list (19%). Looking
quality of life
The reality is that the quality of life, flexibility and freedom seem to have come to occupy a central place for providing services to other people, well above other aspects that have traditionally occupied the top places in this list. Following
flexible working and the bond is, thirdly, that the company has a good pension plan (15% in the UK and 9% overall), fourth is the paid time off for social or humanitarian work (7%) and fifth place are the exposure to social activities and relationships with key contacts (6%) as well as training and development payments (6%).
The trend of telecommuting and flexible schedules and workplaces was also reflected in the research, most UK practitioners envision a future in which work in virtual spaces from that can be connected regardless of their location, leaving the prevailing today offices in city centers.
This vision of the future is a kind of hope expressed by the workers and now is not so far due to technological advances and economic and environmental costs that this may represent the companies. Employees are beginning to go public their priorities and desires for them to be taken into consideration by employers, beyond just the economic view that can influence them.
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