Monday, November 1, 2010

Ringworm On Fresh Tattoo


This story appeared in yesterday's La Vanguardia, 31 October 2010:
The implementation of the Act Costas is a bad dream for thousands of ; owners of Empuriabrava (Alt Empordà). The placid image of urbanization waterway, with yachts moored at the foot of plot has been struck by the plans to enforce the law with a new boundary. The future of Empuriabrava, according to the owners, is mortgaged to shore up the division.
Andalusian The Board rejected the demarcation on the coast of Doñana
The Government has gone hand in deslinde de la franja costera de Doñana, lo que ha provocado las iras de la Junta de Andalucía y de los propietarios particulares. El dominio marítimo terrestre se mete hasta casi cinco kilómetros tierra adentro. La principal afectada es la Junta de Andalucía, que gestiona el parque, aunque también la estación biológica de Doñana (dependiente del CSIC) y la familia González Gordon. El Gobierno andaluz espera conocer la posición de la nueva ministra de Medio Ambiente, Rosa Aguilar, antes de recurrir a los tribunales. Con la aplicación de la ley de Costas, Medio Ambiente pretende recuperar el control de una buena parte del parque de Doñana, cuya gestión tuvo que ceder a la Junta por una sentencia del Constitucional. By drawing the delimitation line looks at some points 4.8 kilometers, in the eastern part remains in just over two miles. The length is 35 kilometers, a total of 9,200 hectares, almost 12% of the national park. In this country no one could do anything without the authorization of the ministry, although the use for 30 years is attributable to the current owners. The cause of the confrontation is not on account of the degree of protection of the area, but the control exercised over and administration. There are fears that this band is used for political battle. Not now because the two governments are of the same political. In memory is the fight tooth and nail for control of Doñana, in the discharge of flooding the Guadiamar Aznalcóllar when José María Aznar ordered the Moncloa and Manuel Chaves in Seville.

About 800 affected families trying to save their homes in Elx
"The Coastal Act has destroyed the lives of more than 15,000 families Valencia." The states and José Ortega, secretary, spokesman and legal adviser of the National Platform of People Affected by the Coastal Act. The lawyer says that the ratio of cases is "incredible" that we can speak of "human disaster in large sections the Valencian coast. "These are the stories of 800 families in Los Arenales del Sol, in Elche (Alicante), which made a demarcation of the public domain on their farms and continue fighting to save their homes. They are families most of the year living in apartments beachfront that were built in the 70's. Another example is the Santa Pola 140 families living in houses built in the late 60's. What's more, as the 74 housing El Saler, a series of villas and small three-story buildings that were built by the City Council and the Ministry of Housing in the 70's. In the same place, the emblematic Hotel Sidi Saler is now fighting in court Strasbourg to avoid expropriation by the boundary promoted in the south of Valencia. "The cases are legion and have sprouted in recent years in populations with high tourist occupancy as Torrevieja, Cullera and Gandia," added the lawyer. A sector that is highly active against Coastal Act, with the support of the Generalitat Valenciana and even PSPV-PSOE, the owners and licensees of beach bars. The battle, with strong support from local media, has led to enter the political discourse of the PP and victimization against the English government.

The new demarcation of Ministry of Environment marks a public domain reaches the final border between the channels of the Inner Harbor is located one mile inland. The green line border winds of public channels follows a zigzag trace this labyrinth of plot and goes until the last piers (domestic water covered garage).

It gets almost to the depths of each plot. The owners will lose the privacy of its mooring or dock, and, moreover, their plots are handled by a transit easement area, six-meter under the law to facilitate direct access to the sea. The easement area crosses the garden, pools and gazebos with barbecue, and "you get for half the beds in the house," says Tim Pelters, secretary of the Association of Owners of Empuriabrava.

Thousands of properties are affected. Flooded with water every parcel will become public domain. Some 2,000 berths situated on the canals, so far registered as private property, lost this status. And so dozens of interior piers or mooring plot located on private miniports located at the end of canals and along with townhouses.

"Todas estas propiedades y sus amarres están legalmente inscritas en los registros de propiedad como parcelas sin cargas ni limitaciones", explica Pelters. Se han ido comprando y vendiendo legalmente mediante escrituras notariales durante cuarenta años. "El Estado español ha legimitado todo esto. Ha habido centenares de operaciones de compraventa.

Notarios y registradores han ido legalizando de facto la situación. Se han hecho ventas sin advertencia alguna. Han intervenido tasadores y los bancos han hecho hipotecas. Además, hemos pagado impuestos a todas las administraciones por la totalidad de la parcela. Y nunca se nos ha advertido de la afectación", apunta Pelters. "El Estado ha cobrado for our properties and now says that property is not ours, "adds another owner, Brigitte Anquetil.

Hundreds of owners (with an apartment or house along the canals) are alarmed by the consequences of of way area will be reserved inside the plots for a possible future public step. This easement does not in itself a loss of legal ownership, but involves severe restrictions. In this age can not be made consolidation work, volume up or modernization. However, experts from the Ministry of Environment to finalize the demarcation point out that it is not necessary tirar vallas en las parcelas (para habilitar el paso) si existe una servidumbre de tránsito alternativa.

Pero los propietarios temen el sacrificio de esos seis metros de parcela. Para ellos, es un expolio. La consecuencia de todo esto es el desplome económico. Las ventas y los precios de las casas se han hundido. La inseguridad jurídica hace que muchos desconfíen a la hora de comprar. "¿Qué pasará con el valor de nuestras casas, qué pasará con el valor de las hipotecas?", se pregunta Susana Hoffmann, dueña de una inmobiliaria. Hay gente que ha pedido una hipoteca a cuarenta años. ¿Usted compraría?

Meanwhile, the notaries are beginning to warn of the possible effect of the boundary, and the registrars are put off with conflicting scripts. Another risk is the degradation of the area for lack of investment. Construction companies will take orders. "Fix, maintain, what if it is a property marked? Stigmatized.

"Placing a transit easement does not make sense. This is not the coast, is an artificial development. We are not against the spirit of the Coastal Act, but does not apply in this case," says Pelters. The owners have promoted various initiatives in Congress to amend the law- last, urged by Pere Macias, CiU, for the admission of that exception.

Environment technicians point out that the concession granted in their day to the promoters of Empuriabrava (July 31, 1980) and noted that the land occupied by the water formed in the public domain. "I do not know why there were piers. Recorders property should do their best work, but the previous legislation and said that was public domain zone", they say.

About the easement area, the same sources say "Generally" the allocation is given on gardens and pools. The rules of the Coastal Act does not require opening the immediate passage of the easement area traffic, but allowed to leave the situation as it is "if there is a right of transit alternative," ie, "if you are guaranteed step behind all the plots. " However, the easement area (middle of the property) itself would be enabled if it "does so in a new marina area."

"We bought in good faith. Trust notaries and registration. How could imagine that would be applied la ley de Costas veintidós years after aprobarla "Susana Dice desolate Hoffmann.

Obviously, this will not end because I doubt that a law can be loaded or expropriate private domain, no more. I guess it still discuss many years, but I am strong.


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