Monday, November 1, 2010

Washing Machine Manuals

Study on Public Employment and Coastal Law

In early October, was the PIMEC published his study on public employment in a phase of economic crisis . Not much to write anything because everything is in the same study said. Only three notes:

1. Catalonia is an autonomous community with fewer officers per thousand inhabitants, as opposed to Extremadura, which is more community officers. This makes me think of what "Cuckolds and pay the drink," so often when I think about.

2. The increase highest officials in Catalonia are produced by the security forces (police deployment), the Council and its autonomous bodies (?) And non-university teaching (Increased number of schools).

3. However there is a decrease in the number of university officials (?).

not comment on anything, just leave this information here because I think that this is not the right way to overcome the crisis.


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