Tuesday, November 13, 2007
TravestÍ Camila Rodriguez
We created this blog as an initiative of Professor of Global Economic Geography course; in is intended to motivate students in History and Geography Education and others to understand in a more didactic what are the "economic clusters" theories that provide Christaller, and Lösch Von Thunen, and different areas have been promoted economic clusters, as a way of teaching and learning through ICT.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
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. Goods: Are all those goods produced by and for society in the territory of the country or directly imported to satisfy a need as food, beverages, housing, personal services, furniture, clothing, decoration, etc. Any merchandise that meets a need of consumers. These goods are the opposite of productive assets or capital, which are used to produce other goods. ( http://www.definicion.org/bienes-de-consumo ).
Demand Amount of goods and services that operators are willing and able to buy at a given price within a specified period. In theory, demand and supply are the two basic components that determine the price of goods and services. Desire of any person to acquire an economic good or service. ( http://www.definicion.org/demanda ).
Company: Unit producing homogeneous goods and services for which organizes and combines the use of factors of production. Existing organization own appropriate means to achieve a particular economic order. Company or corporation, formed for the purpose of producing goods and services for sale in the mercado.f. Action starts with difficult to value. Home or commercial company to undertake major projects. Or design work carried out by several people. Entity that raises capital and social producir.Grupo job to do that through the administration of capital and labor produce goods and / or outstanding service to meet the needs of comunidad.Entidad composed of labor and capital as factors of production, and dedicated to industrial, commercial or services for profit. ( http://www.definicion.org/empresa ).
Isotropic Space: The space that has the same characteristics in all directions from any point. ( http://enciclopedia.us.es/index.php/Espacio_is% C3% B3tropo ).
Offer Amount of goods and services available for sale and that the bidders are willing to supply to consumers at a price and time. ( http://www.definicion.org/oferta ).
Price Amount of money that buyers are willing to pay for unbias and that the offeror considers appropriate for it. ( / descarga/tema001a.pdf + definition + price & hl = en & ct = clnk & cd = 10 & gl = mx )
Market: Any place that has as its object bringing together buyers and sellers to transact and exchange pricing.
m. Gathering place for merchants to sell their wares. Public place where they bought and sold.
( http://www.definicion.org/mercado )
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An example of a productive complex (cluster) mature, we examine the cluster around the forest industry in Finland (Rouvinen, 1996). This cluster is complete and deep (Figure 1), accounting for 25% of Finland's exports (over U.S. $ 5,000 million) 5. An examination of Figure 1 reveals that the cluster is formed around a business with a strong natural comparative advantage. In the Finnish case it counts: i) with ample reserves and forest plantations, the order of 400-600 cubic meters per capita, compared with 25-50 in the rest of the world, ii) Finnish forests are near the sea, which reduces transportation costs, and iii) forests are close to a major international market like Europe. On the other hand, unlike many of the forests of Latin America, the northern forests have a little sun, so they grow much more slowly than those of Latin America (up to 80 years compared with 15-20 here).
The multiple and important linkages with other activities that form the cluster can add much value to the extractive phase. There are important forward linkages with sophisticated processed products in four areas: i) lumber (where Finland has 40% of global timber market third); ii) timber products for construction and furniture; iii) pulp and paper, and iv) cardboard and all paper, newspapers, wrappers, toilet paper and graph paper (in the latter Finland has 25 % of world market). There
backward linkages in at least three areas of importance: i) inputs for the planting and processing stages, such as chemicals and biological agents, fillers and bleach
ii) any machinery for planting phases , harvesting, processing and papermaking
iii) engineering and consulting services, and iv) very important, programs
academics specializing in the forestry industry and biogenetic research institutes, chemical and forestry, all closely linked to the production system. In fact, the complex contains a major Finnish forest industry equipment and machinery for all phases of activities, as well as engineering and consulting services. Moreover, much of the current Finnish engineering industry linked to the forestry sector emerged and gradually became more diversified into other activities. In other words, the complex is increasingly raising the share of value added by activities that use more complex and more expertise.
Valencia Textile Cluster (Spain)
The textile sector is one of the most important of the English economy, occupying an important position within the structure of domestic manufacturing, representing 10% of industrial employment and 12.4 % of English industrial GDP. The business structure of the sector is mainly composed of SMEs, with the following features: • Small business
• Poor academic and business
• Low technological base
• Lack of funding versus productivity
• Control
The Clus- Textiles b Valencia is characterized by the large number of companies engaged in the textile sector, the importance of exports in foreign trade, etc.
textile Within this cluster, there are three microclusters: technical textiles, home textiles and apparel. This section focuses on the Textile-Home microcluster. In this microcluster s can be framed on the one hand, tissues with a generally industrial area of \u200b\u200buse and do not represent an item that can be used by the end user, necessitating the passage of it by an agent that will give some way to end use (furniture, curtains, etc.), and other tissues whose scope of use is usually housing. It is, therefore, textile products are generally used in the interior decoration of the rooms of the home as well as to supplement furnishing products, bed and windows, even those destined for the kitchen and bathroom, etc.
Among the various agents that make up this microcluster under review, sets out a series of relationships, which result in the creation and dissemination of new knowledge, which ultimately leads to increased competitiveness of the companies that comprise it, and microcluster itself as a whole.
http://www.scielo.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0250-71612007000100007&lng=pt&nrm =
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A joint effort between Corfo, the salmon and industries related to the sector has allowed the salmon industry in the regions of Los Lagos and Aysen is one of the clusters that has excelled in recent years, both in Chile and for export sales. Currently this industry represents about 80% of exports in the Tenth Region, 5% of domestic shipments and work on it 45 000 people between direct and indirect employees. Also, there are over 200 suppliers, of which 70% is established in this area. Du last year during the salmon industry had returns of 1,200 billion dollars and ranked as the fourth Chilean export sector.
In Chile, the source of a cluster mining is favored by the existence of a concentration of large deposits -Especially in the north-important flows of foreign and domestic investment, as well as the existence of a stable legal framework.
The Mining Cluster arises at first as an aspiration of the Antofagasta region, an area where most of the large deposits in Chile. In fact, since 2000, the Cluster was incorporated as one of the strategic guidelines of the Regional Strategy on Development (ERD) of this region.
But the idea that only apply in the Second Region is a concept that has been discussed elsewhere apply in other regions too. The idea is to create a chain between large mining companies and small and medium industry service provider. There are many examples of this in different parts of the world. The idea ultimately is to look for that can generate a greater amount of work and services between each other, and thus the great copper industry to increase its amount of purchase and can generate an additional activity.
A concrete example is Antofagasta-beyond-what happens in the Eighth Region, which is under a copper or gold, but it offers an established infrastructure in the mining world as a provider of professional, technical, research and inputs for mining.
also Cluster development in Chile can find its natural projection neighbors and mining tradition. It is projected that by 2010 America will participate with 55% of copper production. In this context, neighboring countries and with mining potential as Chile, Argentina, Brazil or Peru, looming relevant opportunities for new business development. Taking into account the competitiveness of markets, an effective way of coping is to form integrated blocks that can enhance and complement that shape economies.
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. The spatial concentration of activities is the conclusion arrived at by this author, even if your basic assumption, remember, the even distribution of production factors and the population over all space.
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those with lower transport costs, high productivity and high land rents.
As the location of the products away from the center of the city, land rent and land productivity decreases with increasing transportation costs. Consequently, the contribution of Von Thünen's theory of the location lies in explaining the distribution of activities over a geographical space. The explanation of why a set of activities are concentrated in specific locations of the space is not addressed by Von Thünen. Krugman (1995) has termed the centrifugal forces to arguments presented by Von Thünen. Extensions Von Thunen model (1826) are presented by Takayama-Labys (1987) and Goldberg (1970).
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According to this theory, a central location would be one that could offer services to certain classes. Each utility will have a minimum claim threshold, needed to be installed. The threshold of demand is therefore the smallest population which should provide a service to achieve a balance between expenditure and income. Each service, and each product will have a different threshold, depending on its price. To calculate this threshold must take into account the product price and transportation costs. The maximum distance or cost of travel, which moves a customer to obtain the product is called a scope, physical reach the market.
If we place a company in one place this will tend to concentrate the population and serve the people of central place and the whole range. If the range is greater than the threshold will have an area not covered by the company, as the population away tend not to travel to purchase this service, unless the accumulation consumption of services, and in this area arise other businesses of this kind, to strike a balance. The area of \u200b\u200bthe reach of a company will have a hexagonal shape, to ensure that service delivery to all isotropic space.
The price of the product determines the threshold required by the company. The higher price the higher the threshold, but also the longer the range. This allows for a hierarchy of central places. The first-order central places are smaller and more numerous, and higher order fewer. Higher order there is only one. Place higher-order central has all the amenities of the lower orders. The central places of higher order services have lower central places. The larger the population is more central.
In the geometric model, the number of central places would always be a multiple of 3, but the transport network makes changes in access and cost of travel, so the number of central places is a multiple of 4. Furthermore, if the border region is the number of central places can be up to a multiple of 7.
Without taking too rigidly to the theory, this is true in reality with a lot more often than one might expect of the irregularity of real space. However, the historical evolution often distort it. The biggest problem does not solve the theory is the influence that population density has on the scope and size threshold. The differences in population density, which supports the theory itself by concentrating the population in central places, can make the scope of a company is always exceed the threshold.
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
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Building with earth is as old as human culture. In each hemisphere of the planet architectures exist that land managers trained in ancient times and survivors over time. The recovery of this traditional knowledge and its inclusion in the field of contemporary knowledge is carried out with enthusiasm in many research centers in Europe and America and is projected as examples made in various places.
These architectural qualities of vernacular buildings, must be rediscovered. And examples abound, in the Southwest of America, North Africa, at the edge of the Sahara and West Africa, in countries that hardly out of cultural colonialism in the Middle East (where the oil boom threatens to condemn these techniques for a while) in China, and so on.
Excerpted from the Preface to Book: Building with Earth Volume 1 by CRATerre.
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Land is one of the oldest building materials in the history of humanity. Persian civilizations, Assyrian, Egyptian and Babylonian used it in abundance, and the examples that have survived show that the ancients did not hesitate to use it in works sometimes enormous :
Saggar Pyramids, Egypt (built during the First Dynasty).
Less known are the ruins of Chan Chan in Peru, the largest pre-Columbian city in South America: it covered an area of \u200b\u200bfourteen square miles.
The region of New Mexico Arizona and Southern California in the United States is experiencing a growing trend of construction in adobe. This architecture inherited from the Indian and English traditions have a unique regional character in the U.S..
The second point of interest in building with earth is caused by a growing rise in the cost of energy, which impacts on products such as cement and baked bricks. Recent analysis of the cost "green" procedures, by involving the "social cost" show that the use of less expensive construction materials market of cement-bonded-no can be long term, the most relevant. Within this land presents an obvious ecological interest.
The technique of building with earth is now safe enough to compete with traditional materials, heir to a popular tradition, has the advantages of simple technology. While demand little investment in materials, and is easily adaptable.
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The importance of the ADB system-specifically, is that bas to in raw material, which recommendations may prove to be land on the same site in which will build the housing units. Earth construction is without doubt the most ancient method used in the globe. The new technology is focused so much land to production, the lowering of high costs currently incurred in the building works.
Saturday, March 24, 2007
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By Diego Cevallos *
Buildings North American release abundant greenhouse gas, sewage and waste, while hovering just green building in Mexico, with five thousand houses erected popular .
MEXICO CITY, Apr 2 (IPS) The kind of building where you live or work and use that gives generate much of the climate changes that concern scientists. The energy consumed there translates into polluting emissions, waste water and waste building materials.
In North America, between 11 and 30 percent of the emission of greenhouse gases responsible for global warming, from the buildings, which spend much of the available electricity, water and raw materials, including precious lumber often illegally, and plastic compounds such as polyvinyl chloride or PVC, harmful to health.
In the U.S. alone, generating nearly a third of global greenhouse gases, buildings consume about 65 percent of all electricity, 40 percent of raw materials and 12 percent of the water supply.
In Mexico, responsible for two percent of these gases, buildings use 20 percent of electricity, 80 percent of which is produced by burning fossil fuels.
These two countries, with Canada represented on the Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC), seeking to reduce the impact of this sector in climate change, according to most scientists is produced by the atmospheric buildup of gases from mainly from burning fossil fuels.
Experts from the three countries discussed the matter since the beginning of the year and in September a comprehensive report including recommendations to governments.
The goal is to limit polluting construction practices and give a to sustainable building, which integrates the environment in a friendly way, consume less electricity and, ideally, process water and garbage, as well as providing comfort to its inhabitants.
But it is an uphill battle. "The development of green building is emerging and there is a core policy of governments in the area," said David Morillon, expert from the National Autonomous University of Mexico and one of those who drafted the final report of the CEC.
However, some plans are already underway, and dozens of architects, engineers and researchers from North America and South exchange information through virtual networks through regular seminars on "green building."
the past six years, Canada and the United States developed new environmental standards for buildings, private firms have set up certification for green building construction and emerged a mortgage business "green", which lends money under environmental considerations.
Even so, the percentage of green buildings in these countries does not exceed 10 percent of the total.
In Mexico, the government is sponsoring a green building plan for low-income managed by the private sector. This was erected about five thousand homes, most between 40 and 70 square meters and almost completed.
For a country where housing demand exceeds one million units per year - although in the last six years only rose 500 000 per year - the project is just one small step.
The housing in Mexico aims especially to reduce consumption of electricity and water, but does not include solar energy or wastewater treatment, which are ideal for this type of construction.
"This is an experimental step" and aimed at generating information and verifiable to be the market "that finally imposes the need to move towards sustainable construction," said Evangelina Hirata, director of the state National Commission to Promote Housing.
But we can not promise that in six years Mexico will build all homes with sustainable features, "which does not happen anywhere in the world," he continued.
March 29 came into force in Spain's building code, requiring the inclusion of renewable energy for hot water and electricity in all buildings that begin construction or renovation since then.
Under the new rule, there will be limits on energy consumption of buildings depending on their characteristics, we foster the best performance of heat and lighting systems and be a required percentage of clean energy sources: direct solar energy and solar panels .
While in Mexico is planting a seed. "Hopefully in a year the Mexican financial system begins to offer green mortgages", after finding that "in the long term any sustainable construction will be cheaper and more beneficial for users and community, he added. According
Morillón, building sustainable housing can cost between three and 20 percent more than conventional. But hopes that the market will see prices fall when mainstream.
That could take years, and time is short, he said.
in Mexico traditional buildings have a lifespan of 30 to 40 years, but in 10 or 12 years, the country could run out of oil, making it difficult to supply electricity to those buildings.
The clock is also ticking on the side of climate change. If consumption of fossil fuels and environmental deterioration continue as before, at the end of the century the average global temperature could increase between 1.8 and 6.4 degrees and sea level between 18 and 59 centimeters, according to various forecasts .
* This article is part of a series on sustainable development by IPS (Inter Press Service) and IFEJ (acronym in English the International Federation of Environmental Journalists.)