Sunday, November 11, 2007

Hurt My Achilles Heel


Cluster salmon industry

A joint effort between Corfo, the salmon and industries related to the sector has allowed the salmon industry in the regions of Los Lagos and Aysen is one of the clusters that has excelled in recent years, both in Chile and for export sales. Currently this industry represents about 80% of exports in the Tenth Region, 5% of domestic shipments and work on it 45 000 people between direct and indirect employees. Also, there are over 200 suppliers, of which 70% is established in this area. Du last year during the salmon industry had returns of 1,200 billion dollars and ranked as the fourth Chilean export sector.

mining Cluster

In Chile, the source of a cluster mining is favored by the existence of a concentration of large deposits -Especially in the north-important flows of foreign and domestic investment, as well as the existence of a stable legal framework.

The Mining Cluster arises at first as an aspiration of the Antofagasta region, an area where most of the large deposits in Chile. In fact, since 2000, the Cluster was incorporated as one of the strategic guidelines of the Regional Strategy on Development (ERD) of this region.

But the idea that only apply in the Second Region is a concept that has been discussed elsewhere apply in other regions too. The idea is to create a chain between large mining companies and small and medium industry service provider. There are many examples of this in different parts of the world. The idea ultimately is to look for that can generate a greater amount of work and services between each other, and thus the great copper industry to increase its amount of purchase and can generate an additional activity.

A concrete example is Antofagasta-beyond-what happens in the Eighth Region, which is under a copper or gold, but it offers an established infrastructure in the mining world as a provider of professional, technical, research and inputs for mining.

also Cluster development in Chile can find its natural projection neighbors and mining tradition. It is projected that by 2010 America will participate with 55% of copper production. In this context, neighboring countries and with mining potential as Chile, Argentina, Brazil or Peru, looming relevant opportunities for new business development. Taking into account the competitiveness of markets, an effective way of coping is to form integrated blocks that can enhance and complement that shape economies.


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