One News in 2010 and probably will last quite some time, was the publication of alleged "state secrets" of many states in the WikiLeaks website called, created by Australian Julian Assange. The global impact have these publications and the subsequent arrest of its owner many open questions, particularly in the way information should circulate the "top secret "government, the intervention of certain powers and actions when they are discovered.
try to follow the thread of all this, I have a few questions that try to explain.
What WikiLeaks?
is a website dedicated to expose secret documents. It offers anonymity to sources, verify information and publish to the network, often filtering it first newspaper reference, which proves the authenticity. It has gained worldwide fame for publishing sensitive material of governments, especially the United States. As wikipedia, the digital encyclopedia of who copy format, are the surfers who feed the portal sending secret documents they have access. Hence the name of the site, which adds the prefix to the English word wiki leaks (leaks).
How it works?
an undetermined number of volunteers (experts believe it may be more than a thousand) are responsible for reading documents sent by the Internet, check them and give them shape. Volunteers are also those who support the cyber infraestrucutra. Only a small team working full time for Assange. The system is protected with the best digital technology, and many Its members are known only through chat. WikiLeaks works with servers in different countries like Sweden and Iceland, where digital rights protection laws are stricter. When you receive an attack quickly move to other countries. With all the hoopla for the imprisonment of Assange, WikiLeaks has continued to disseminate secret diplomatic cables or one day.
is journalism?
Despite not sticking to the conventional ways (in process of change to the rapid emergence of new technologies) WikiLeaks leaks are a way of disseminating information that previously has been proven (Note that until has not appeared any strait) and are also a good information base for the media who make the juice.
What I think of all this? For
dean of the School of Information Sciences at UAB, Josep Maria Catalan, there are no doubts that "form is a journalistic force that to change structures anchored in the past too." So sure of entry will force changes in the trading system to diplomatic cables and systems encrypted to ensure confidentiality. On the other hand, surprising given information that circulates in these cables based on very subjective analysis superficials i les importans decisions que se'n poden derivar. Finalment, també vull destacar l'intervencionisme dels governs afectats per les filtracions en forma de la detenció de Julian Assange basada en una acusació de poca consistència per delictes sexuals a Suècia. Segur que en continuarem sentint a parlar.
Font: Ara
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