Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Polypectomyfrom Uterus

La Comissió Europea ha elaborat un Document de Treball corresponent a la Consulta sobre la política futura en relació a la Xarxa Transeuropea de Transport.

FERRMED es tracta d'una associació multisectoral nature, created at the initiative of business, to contribute to improving European competitiveness through the promotion of so-called "Standard FERRMED" strengthening the connections of ports and airports with their "hinterlands" Drive rail freight Grand Scandinavia - Rhine - Rhone - Western Mediterranean and sustainable development through the reduction of pollution and greenhouse gas emissions that affect climate change.

FERRMED point of view, with regard to that paper, is concentrated mainly in the freight rail. Therefore, the Manifesto FERRMED refers only to the Trans-European rail freight network.

considerations FERRMED

1 .- Double network: global network and network
main ports and airports hub transcontinental and interrelating the European Union with third countries, industrial areas major river ports and logistics terminals should be connected with the "Home Network".

Definition of Home Network and the gradual development of corridors that form must be carried out using criteria economic, social and environmental.

accordance with the criteria established by the "Standards FERRMED" configuació the main network this should be Reticular and polycentric, including corridors and intermodal major socioeconomic impact, with two lines "parallel parallel "to each row, one for high speed trains (mostly for passengers) and the other for conventional passenger trains and freight with the same priority.

must employ effective methods of evaluation to define the Network Home: Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA), Computed General Equilibrium Spatial Models (SGCE) and System Dynamics Modelling (SDM).

The methodology used in the "Global Study of Supply / Demand, Technical and socio-economic and the Grand Axis FERRMED its area of \u200b\u200binfluence" should be taken into consideration.

2 .- Common Standards for rail freight in the Home Network
This topic is a basic aspect to ensure that the trans-European railway network is highly competitive. The interoperability is a key point, but to do this may allow significantly increased interoperability capacity and profitability of the network.

In fact, as shown in the "Global Study" above, the implementation of Standards is the only way FERRMED able to reverse the declining participation of railways in the land transport of goods European Union and increase its competitiveness.

For all these reasons, we strongly recommend the gradual implementation of the Standards FERRMED the main railway network of the European Union, with defined deadlines and full commitment of Member States.

In the "Global Study" referred to in the first section, we have analyzed the impact of these standards in the rail network in its area of \u200b\u200binfluence including resolution of bottlenecks, the ring roads in big cities, new lines, terminals, adapt rolling stock, etc.. The results of the socioeconomic study are highly significant given that, despite the thoroughness of the investment contemplated achieving a rate of return ( Economic Internal Rate of Return ) 11, 1%, with the possibility of spending of 266 billion tonnes transported per year in 2005 to 524 billion tons per year by 2025 and reduce emissions CO2 of more than 145 million tons in the period 2016-2045.

3 .- Coordination strategic, operational and governance of the Net Principal
must establish a coordinated global level based on EU coordination structures defined in terms of mega and major corridors.

This function should include: identifying needs for traffic on the main network, capacity management (balance between supply and demand), " monitoring, mapping drills, standardization , coordination maintenance, policies to encourage efficient use of infrastructure and technological aspects of innovation, etc.. He has incorporated a body of leading European Union regarding the coordination of the allocation of funds for development of the Main Railway Network and the implementation of Common Standards.

4 .- Leading Network of Greater FERRMED
rail is a rail network connecting Scandinavia with Central Europe and Western Mediterranean, with a backbone consisting of the valleys of the Rhine and the Rhone and its extension towards the North up to Sweden and Finland to the south and linking all the Mediterranean Basin from Genoa and Livorno to Algeciras.

Given its large socioeconomic impact and intermodal (54% of the population, 66% of GDP and 80% of the shipping container EU) FERRMED considers all the major axis of the main network is be declared a "priority project" and included in the Home Network TEN-T, together with the lines connecting their villages with the other major EU countries, mainly Eastern and Mediterranean area.

Particularly, it is important consider the following lines which, today, have not been considered "priority project" and that should be included in the Trans-European Network Home:
- Bothnian Corridor
- Hamburg - Berlin
- Bremen - Münster -
Duisburg - Duisburg - Hannover - Berlin - Warsaw
- Koblenz - Luxembourg / Apaches
- Calais / Dunkerque - Lille - Metz - Dijon
- Le Havre - Amiens - Reims - Dijon
- Avignon - Marseille / Fos - Toulon
- Tarragona - Castellón - Valencia - Alicante - Murcia / Cartagena - Almería - Motril - Málaga - Algeciras
- Lorca - Granada - Antequera
- Links to the Balkan countries

This is most important that together we may think. Only one fact: the infrastructure of qualified "priority" are funding opportunities from the European Central Bank. Otherwise not. Until now everyone filled the mouth of the Mediterranean corridor infrastructure and did not even funding opportunities. That alone is reason enough to support him.


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