The Constitutional Court's independence. Passing the Quebec
could spend that in a time when the issue of the relationship between Spain and Catalonia we had to face the following dilemma: ol'Espanya that the Court has drawn pressure shameless PP ambiguous position between and below are hand against the PSOE and the majority of public opinion, or independence.
Jordi Pujol
few years ago it seemed that we could avoid this dilemma. Thirty or thirty-five, even ten years ago seemed feasible for a favorable interpretation of the Constitution and the positive effects of political cooperation, economic habits coexistence between Catalonia and Spain to consolidate a structure outside of Spain that would allow the recognition and clear statement of the distinct personality of Catalonia. With respect and assurance of identity, with a thickness of powers really means a self-important and with adequate funding to meet either their citizens and develop and implement ambitious collective projects. Naturally, this would imply a fair contribution and funds from Catalonia democratic progress, economic, social and prestige of Spain. It is from these publications that we have sometimes said the project Vicens Vives / Espriu.
This has failed. Over the last few years has been consolidating a model homogenizer, very low ceiling of competence, ie, of self-limited and subject to increasing financial suffocation. This fits entirely with the usual conception of Spain, with the aim has always been: a unified political, economic centralization and standardization of sign language and English culture. It's the end of Catalonia as a nation, language, culture and collective consciousness. Not tomorrow, but a few decades sight. Through a gradual process of marginalization and residualitzaciĆ³ of Catalan. Because now it's naive to think that the process may be slow to go screwing Autonomy, and indeed the identity, self-government of Catalonia and the economy with further negotiations, even as some seek Catalan socialists. If there can be some change at the moment it is easier for evil for good. Therefore, the only alternative to this now would be independence.
As above-mentioned, for many years the majority of Catalan nationalism was not independence. He played the card of a political and administrative autonomy to ensure a high ceiling, economically viable and guaranteed identity. I rejected requirements that some areas you did that adheres al'independentisme. Arguments had to do it. Now does not.
Now you can have arguments viability (not economically viable. An independent Catalonia is viable). Also will not threaten the internal cohesion Catalan. But even this lost weight as well and accentuated both the economic discriminatory treatment, with social and human impact. Now is not political arguments and increasingly emotional arguments. Or cheap.
The option of independence is difficult to perform. The other, which requires us to Spain, the English parties and Institutions English is not as difficult as tantamount to surrender. I accept the marginalization il'ofec Catalonia. So easy. But is our final group. In such cases, people who would never have dreamed of doing so would vote for independence.
There have been a way to avoid this. They had accepted that Catalonia is a nation with its own personality with the right to be respected and considered as such. And this was possible within Spain. But it required, first, not refusing evidence. And justice. And therefore not deny him the right to their identity and self-government suited to their history and their vocation. Although the Constitution which may end up regional generalization. But in a way that left open the door to the facts differentials. A door that was closed soon (with the exception historical rights of the Basque Country and Navarre, and the corresponding concerts).
But now it is very general criteria that the "coffee for all 'was a mistake, and even worse was the way it was done, and how they want to finish the application. We now say, bluntly, people first row of both the PSOE and the PP. Yesterday it said Bono. Quite a surprise. Even a few for now, say that perhaps there is the possibility to redress this situation. They talk, for example, must recognize that "Quebec is the Aires de EspaƱa". The Quebec would not be good in Canada, even if properly treated the team to Alberta, Labrador, Ontario and British Columbia, British territories in the bud, very different historical id'origen Anglophones in Quebec.
This would have been at the time a good solution. Now is it possible?
However the independence between Quebec and English was the second that many people would vote. But it could well be that the status of Spain is as intolerable as the Quebec independence. While we await the day of a hypothetical referendum official and binding, the Catalans a clear goal that we do: to strengthen ourselves internally. In economics, cultural creativity, in strengthening our civil society, ... Without expecting too much help or justice. But with the confidence that gives us a statement: we have to Catalonia country. There are people with initiative. Now also, despite the crisis il'hostilitat English. And while there will be country's future. And the country will apply every day their right to decide.
now published in newspaper on 26 January 2011
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