current economic development is based on energy from oil and nuclear power plants. In recent days, including the consequences of the earthquake on Japan's Fukushima nuclear power and the riots in the Arab world, has reopened the debate on energy dependence.
discussing this with a good friend, very particularly concerned by the consequences of the nuclear explosions, I express my conviction that we have enough scientific basis for having invented high energy sources. Another thing are the vested interests in the environment oil. Many powerful. Do not be so easy to change that.
A couple of days after that, brought me a document, of which transcribe a few paragraphs and that has much to do on this issue. It is a fact written by Dr. Eugene F. Marlowe, twice engineer at MIT and a Ph.D. in Public Health at Harvard. He was president of the New Energy Foundation and editor of the magazine Infinite Energy. Undoubtedly, one of the bravest scientists of the twentieth century and early twenty-first in the development of a new stage.
This is your last Letter:
"A world that all people are curious and open mind, with all my good will, and you have the ability to judge these things. For scientists and engineers, for philanthropy, environmentalists, energy experts, investors in high technology, health professionals, journalists, artists, writers, financiers, businessmen and political leaders see the reality. Whether you're conservative, liberal, Democrat, Republican or an anarchist, not matter, does not even matter if you're agnostic, Buddhist, Christian, Jew, Hindu, Muslim, atheist, or any other spiritual belief, this message addressed to all people of good will as ye.
Dear friend:
start with the memory of those wise men, who have always struggled to bring knowledge to mankind, and they have been ignored until the future was to agree, this is a sincere call, I want it to support research and development of new forms of energy because they are viable and will surely mark a new beginning and dawn for humanity.
Physics is free and sometimes goes into bounded territories apparently due to the interests of a few who do not give up their current benefits.
On many occasions, despite the favorable results, rejecting viable projects not easily be economically profitable for multinational corporations or the interests of a few. New generations have to wake up and see things with new eyes, must be able to take criticism with enthusiasm and ability to close economist of his predecessors, must erradicara dependence of some institutions that seek to enslave humanity only on all orders life. The young physicists can not forget the past and I ask to take a break with the task of the present uncertainties. Percy W. Bridgman, Nobel Prize in Physics (1946).
For example, the Nobel Prize in Physics 1988, Leo M. Lederman, is not in favor of the search for radically new forms of energy. It is a skeptical "pathological", but nevertheless, he feels that somehow we are at the threshold of the revolution in physics.
solutions to our energy problems are available, and certainly require investigation and the necessary initial investment, but it is not billions of dollars.
Modern science has overlooked and ignored major scientific discoveries that would be mainstays in technology, and almost entirely resolve the main problems of our civilization? Yes, it has. Not go into the long list of horrors to which many can lead if this technology is used for purposes bèl.liques. I prefer to speak of those that can help humanity to attain a new paradigm and help to solve problems.
Or perhaps you thought that all this does not exist at all? I can assure you there, and now thousands of scientists are aiming in this direction. Surely we have not yet reached our goals, but thanks to a thorough and scientific research that requires enormous sacrifice and work, the goals are now much closer to achieving it. The way in scientific sense, is already marked. Now we need the support of everyone to move forward and reach our common destination: a world with abundant energy, clean and safe, away from centralized geopolitical control. Please heed this call, do not remain arms crossed.
The research covers the Infinite Energy magazine disclosure suggests that there are at least three major categories of radically new energy sources that Civilization is about to be able to take advantage of technologies to reduce and practices:
- Category 1: Physics of hydrogen, commonly known as cold fusion. This would be non-polluting energy, would not hazardous radiation and also has a zero fuel cost. Only a cubic kilometer of seawater would provide energy equivalent to all the known oil reserves on Earth.
- Category 2: Power vacuum, or Zero Point Energy.
- Category 3: Energy and environmental heat sensitive.
What about solar, wind or hydrogen fuel cells? These are fine, and Infinite Energy also devotes a small space to write on them, but in the future which need plenty of energy, clean energy has almost no chance to escape of good intentions, beneficial, but extremely limited energies of these and other conventional energies.
days ago jumped on the covers of alternative means the attempt of the media and some scientific journals ridiculing the proposed cold fusion by Andrea Rossi and Sergio Focardi. The magnitude of this research suggests that there is a viable technology that uses available materials and communism does not produce CO2 or radioactive and has the advantage of being very economical, both from the standpoint of production and the implementation.
The reason why this show has been censored and rejected for publication in scientific journals is not interested in large corporations assume an energy system based on wealth management .
always end up clashing with the oligarchy that has all the power. But new technologies have opened a channel to spread cheap and almost universal. This also means that the population as a budget loaded authoritarian regimes in Egypt and Tunisia, which had a budget for his immense cornification, the issue of new energy sources could pass something similar. And while many hares running.
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