soda and Heart-mania
Un estudio médico reciente, presentado en la American Stroke Association (La Asociación Americana de Infartos) indica que la injerencia en gran measure diet soft drinks increase the risk of heart attacks and strokes.
In the study, were evaluated about 2 000 564 people in Manhattan and their consumption habits. In the end, showed results that indicated that 60% of consumers of these beverages "light" are more likely to suffer strokes than those who do not eat. Also, Hannah Garndene, lead author of the study, said the results showed how are you drinks "may not be an optimal substitute for sugary drinks."
A second study, also showed the relationship between high salt interference and increased ischemic brain (interruption of blood flow to the brain). In the study, we analyzed 2 000 657 people. This is especially true in those who consume more than 4 000 milligrams of sodium a day (four large portions of fries, for example) as the recommended amount should be below one thousand 500.
must remember, also that every body is different and the effects vary (for better or worse) by gender, age, physical activity and alcohol and snuff.
health today must be one of our priority issues. With the steady increase in sedentary lifestyle and lack of food culture, the risk of chronic diseases and cardiovascular increases. We encourage you to make aware of what you eat and you remember: a healthy mind in healthy body.
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