Sunday, February 27, 2011

Refurbing G-shock Watches

What talent do? Travel by train

Yesterday I went to see a football match children class children, those between 12 and 14 years. The party was sensational because it was very close, exciting and clean. The children do not speculate forces. Long time not enjoyed a show so amateur. Only when a black father was not at the level of the children fulltime. Whenever the parents ...

But it was not that I wanted to write. I wanted to write about the talent on the field because there were 22 children playing, but only a few that stand out so exaggerated. Two young talent to play football, and when I got home my head began to give it sometimes.

At age 14 a child is a child as a person is what they say to open a melon. But so much done?

focus on one of two children, I saw how he worked, and encouraged the rest when conceding a goal, and tried to steal the ball and worked to make a good pass to a partner when probably by the strength that he saw, had more chance of success alone. Then calculated as force and distance shooting. And finally held three goals as he did. I see responsibility, effort, humility, solidarity, and finally, wisdom in decisions. He made a gol amb la dreta amb un xut ras i fort, sortint d'una driblada, un gol amb l'esquerra després d'un control dintre de l'àrea i un gol des del mig del camp per sobre del porter, que només la va poder tocar amb la punta dels dits. Lluny de ser casualitat, en va provar una altra des del mig del camp que no va ser gol de miracle.

Però el que jo em pregunto és: i ara què poden fer aquests nens? En aquest país ens omplim la boca de talent però què fem per estimular-lo. Amb aquestes virtuts sembla clar que aquest nen pot triomfar en allò que es proposi. Però si li proposen pujar un graó i anar a un equip que el faci entrenar cada dia, ja hi serem. No hi ha tradició de combine studies and sports and elect. Unless so much and so good, you go directly to a top level club where he made a plan to study size. But this should happen to one in 50,000 athletes.

In cases like this I know a lot, so a good student and good athlete is usually taken together. When you have to choose only the athlete succeed in the bad students. Unfortunate.

after I sold my two companions, one was a great footballer and is now a proliferation of reference. The other was a great hockey player and is now a renowned professor of physics at the University of Santiago de Compostela. They rank studies. But it should be. The talent we should protect all its expressions.

Honestly, first I got excited. After going through my head to complain that the parents to meet with this dilemma. But I finally concluded: welcome the headaches are because of talent, even if we are in Catalonia.


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